Full calendars and lot of new of new tasks. On the face of it, this is sweet music to any business' ears, but with the busyness of our industry these years comes a responsibility to choose the smartest solutions and streamline employees' working day. NKT can help with just that, as installer Hans experienced after bringing Qaddy to work.
A Bright Idea
Qaddy is an integrated cable reel, unwinder and drum trolley that has improved working conditions for electricians over the past 12 years with its revolutionary ergonomic design. However, installer Hans from the company En Lys Idé (A Bright Idea) didn't immediately see the idea in the Qaddy from NKT. That is, until he tried it out.
"Of course I had heard about Qaddy, but never tried it. Until one day I couldn't get hold of the cable I usually use, then I decided to take Qaddy on a job. I then had to agree, because Qaddy proved to be of enormous value and made our workflow both easier and faster. It's not the last time I've used it" - says Hans with a smile.